
संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल शब्‍दकोशः

शब्‍दकोशः / संस्‍कृतहिन्‍दीआंग्‍लकोशः / उप



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आसत्ति‚ आधिक्य‚ हीनता‚ सादृश्य‚ उद्‍योग‚ व्याप्ति‚ आदर‚ शक्ति‚ आरम्भ‚ दान‚ दाक्षिण्य‚ दोषाख्यान‚ अत्यय‚ को‚ की ओर

expresses, nearness, excess, inferiority, resemblance, effort, pervasion, reverence or respect, capability, beginning, giving, charity, censure, destruction, to, towards

शब्‍दभेदः : अव्य.

शब्‍दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्‍त संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी अंग्रेजी कोश



शब्‍दभेदः : Adverb



शब्‍दभेदः : Preferences

शब्‍दकोश : हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल कोश



{úpa} ind. (a preposition or prefix to verbs and nouns, expressing) towards, near to (opposed to {apa}, away), by the side of, with, together with, under, down (e.g. {upa-√gam}, to go near, undergo##{upa-gamana}, approaching##in the Veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied from the context, and sometimes {upa} is placed after the verb to which it belongs, e.g. {āyayur upa} = {upâyayuḥ}, they approached). (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns {upa} expresses) direction towards, nearness, contiguity in space, time, number, degree, resemblance, and relationship, but with the idea of subordination and inferiority (e.g. {upa-kaniṣṭhikā}, the finger next to the little finger##{upa-purāṇam}, a secondary or subordinate Purāṇa##{upa-daśa}, nearly ten)##sometimes forming with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound adverbs (e.g. {upa-mūlam}, at the √##{upa-pūrva-rātram}, towards the beginning of night##{upa-kūpe}, near a well) which lose their adverbial terminations if they are again compounded with nouns (e.g. {upakūpa-jalâśaya}, a reservoir in the neighbourhood of a well)##prefixed to proper names {upa} may express in classical literature 'a younger brother' (e.g. {upêndra}, 'the younger brother of Indra'), and in Buddhist literature 'a son.' (As a separable adverb {upa} rarely expresses) thereto, further, moreover (e.g. {tatrôpa brahma yo veda}, who further knows the Brahman) RV. AV. ŚBr. PārGṛ. (As a separable preposition) near to, towards, in the direction of, under, below (with acc., e.g. {upa āśāḥ}, towards the regions)##near to, at, on, upon##at the time of, upon, up to, in, above (with loc., e.g. {upa sānuṣu}, on the tops of the mountains)##with, together with, at the same time with, according to (with inst., e.g. {upa dharmabhiḥ}, according to the rules of duty) RV. AV. ŚBr. {upa}, besides the meanings given above, is said by native authorities to imply disease, extinction##ornament##command##reproof##undertaking##giving##killing##diffusing##wish##power##effort##resemblance, &c. ; [ {upa}##Gk. ? ; Lat. {sub} ; Goth. {uf} ; Old [195, 1] Germ. {oba} ; Mod. Germ. {ob} in {Obdach}, {obliegen}, &c.]

शब्‍दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्‍स शब्‍दकोश

इन्‍हें भी देखें : अध्‍यापक:, शिक्षक:, उपाध्‍याय:; ओष्‍ठ:; उपक; उपकादि; खण्डमोदकः, खण्डः, उपला, शुक्तोपला, शर्करा, सिताखण्डः, दृढगात्रिका; निम्बबीजम्, अरिष्टबीजम्, हिङ्गुनिर्यासबीजम्, सर्वतोभद्रबीजम्, मालकबीजम्, पिचुमर्दबीजम्, अर्कपादपबीजम्, वरत्वचबीजम्, कैटर्यबीजम्, छर्दिघ्नबीजम्, प्रभद्रबीजम्, पारिभद्रकबीजम्, काकफलबीजम्, विशीर्णपर्णबीजम्, यवनेष्टबीजम्, पीतसारकबीजम्, कीकटबीजम्;

These Also : open up; somnambulistic; a feather in cap; a feather in cap;

पूर्वप्रकाशिताः ५ अद्यतनीयशब्‍दाः

प्रलय संहार‚ विनाश‚ मरण... dissolution, dest...
प्ररोचना स्तुति‚ प्रशंसा क... laudation, descri...
प्रयोग उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... use, application,...
प्रमाथ प्रमथन‚ यातना‚ दा... thrashing, excess...
प्रमाण माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... measure of length...


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