
संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी आंग्‍ल शब्‍दकोशः

शब्‍दकोशः / संस्‍कृतहिन्‍दीआंग्‍लकोशः / दीपकम्


एक अलंकार

a figure of speech called 'illuminator'

शब्‍दभेदः : नपुं.

शब्‍दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्‍त संस्‍कृत हिन्‍दी अंग्रेजी कोश



{dīpaka} mfn. kindling, inflaming, illuminating iii, 27, 221/222##exciting, stimulating (digestion)##skilful in managing a lamp (g. {ākarṣâdi})##m. a light, lamp##the shining body, Lilāv##N. of two plants having digestive properties, Ptychotis Ajowan or Celosia cristata##a bird of prey##(in music) N. of a Rāga##a kind of measure##N. of Kāma (the inflamer)##of a son of Garuḍa (cf. MBh. v, 3596) &c##m. or n. saffron##({ikā}), f. a light, lamp, lantern &c##moonlight##'illustrator' or 'illustration' at the end of titles of books (cf. {kula-}, {gūḍhârtha-}, {trailokya-}) and also alone, N. of wks. ( below)##Ptychotis Ajowan or the √of Calmus##(in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī##n. a partic. class of rhet. figures (throwing light upon an idea)##N. of a metre,



{dīpaka} mfn. kindling, inflaming, illuminating iii, 27, 221/222##exciting, stimulating (digestion)##skilful in managing a lamp (g. {ākarṣâdi})##m. a light, lamp##the shining body, Lilāv##N. of two plants having digestive properties, Ptychotis Ajowan or Celosia cristata##a bird of prey##(in music) N. of a Rāga##a kind of measure##N. of Kāma (the inflamer)##of a son of Garuḍa (cf. MBh. v, 3596) &c##m. or n. saffron##({ikā}), f. a light, lamp, lantern &c##moonlight##'illustrator' or 'illustration' at the end of titles of books (cf. {kula-}, {gūḍhârtha-}, {trailokya-}) and also alone, N. of wks. ( below)##Ptychotis Ajowan or the √of Calmus##(in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī##n. a partic. class of rhet. figures (throwing light upon an idea)##N. of a metre,

शब्‍दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्‍स शब्‍दकोश

इन्‍हें भी देखें : मदनशलाका; दीपः; अन्तदीपक; आदिदीपक; उद्दीपक; दीपकमाला;

पूर्वप्रकाशिताः ५ अद्यतनीयशब्‍दाः

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प्रयोग उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... use, application,...
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प्रमाण माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... measure of length...


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