शब्दकोशः / संस्कृतहिन्दीआंग्लकोशः / पुरूरवस्
शब्दभेदः : पुं.
शब्दकोश : प्रो. सूर्यकान्त संस्कृत हिन्दी अंग्रेजी कोश
{rávas} mfn. crying much or loudly RV. i, 31, 4##m. N. of an ancient king of the lunar race (the lover of Urvaśī [ x, 95 ŚBr. xi, 5, 1 and Kalidāsa's drama Vikramorvaśī], son of Budha and Iḷā, father of Āyus and ancestor of Puru Duhyanta, Bharata, Kuru, Dhṛita-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu, supposed to have instituted the 3 sacrificial fires [VS. v, 2] ; according to Nir. x, 46 he is one of the beings belonging to the middle region of the universe, and is possibly to be connected with the Sun as Urvaśī is with the Dawn ; according to others a Viśva-deva or a P1rvaṇa-śrāddha-deva) RV. &c. &c
{purū-ravas} See col. 1
शब्दकोश : मोनियर विलियम्स शब्दकोश
प्रलय | संहार‚ विनाश‚ मरण... | dissolution, dest... |
प्ररोचना | स्तुति‚ प्रशंसा क... | laudation, descri... |
प्रयोग | उपयोग‚ चलाना (अस्... | use, application,... |
प्रमाथ | प्रमथन‚ यातना‚ दा... | thrashing, excess... |
प्रमाण | माप (लंबाई का)‚ ड... | measure of length... |
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